Index of Names in Irish Annals: Sadb / Sadhbh

by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (Kathleen M. O'Brien)

© 2000-2008 by Kathleen M. O'Brien. All rights reserved.
Version 2.7, updated 26 March 2008

Feminine Given Names: Sadb / Sadhbh


What we know as a set of Irish Annals are manuscripts that were each compiled during a particular time period, usually using older material as sources. For example, when the Annals of the Four Masters were written from 1632 to 1636, they covered events that occurred centuries and millenia before (including legendary history). So, when an entry in this set of annals refers to a person who lived in the year 738, the spelling used for that person's name is very likely not using the spelling that would have been used in 738.

Standard forms of this name (based on spelling systems of different periods) would be:

Frequency & Dates:

Number of women found in the annals with this name: 26
Found in Years: 1048, 1126, 1171, 1176, 1240, 1253, 1254, 1266, 1298, 1327, 1373, 1381, 1387, 1400, 1410, 1411, 1412, 1439, 1447, 1452, 1468, 1484, 1498, 1540, 1542, 1553, 1579, 1584

Research Notes:


Further information about the name Sadb / Sadhbh, may be found in:

The Sources page lists the Annals referenced below. Information about secondary sources is included on that page as well.

Raw Data

In the table below, I have separated individuals with a blank line. That is, when there are multiple entries in the annals that refer to a single person, those entries are grouped together.

Within the list of entries refering to a single person, I have sorted the entries primarily by orthography when it is obvious that what I am seeing is the same entry showing up in multiple annals. The entries that tend to use older spellings are listed first.

NOTE: The Annals referenced below under the code letters A, B, C, E, & F tend to use later spellings than the other Annals. In some cases, the spellings listed in these Annals may not be appropriate for the year referenced in the Annal entry.

In some Gaelic scripts, there is a character that looks approximately like a lowercase f, but without the crossbar. This character (represented by an underscored , e, in the entries below) sometimes represents e and sometimes ea depending upon the context of the text.

AnnalsEntryContextCitation (formatting preserved)
(d. 1048)
II1048.7Sadb ingen Briain
(d. 1126)
II1126.6Sadb ingen U Concubuir Ciarraigi
(d. 1171)
UU1171.4Sadhbh, ingen Gluin Iairnn Mic Murchadha, comarba Brighte
BM1171.2Sadhbh, inghen Glúin Iairn Mic Murchadha, banchomharba Brighde
LCLC1171.3Sadhbh, ingen Gluin Iarainn mic Murchadha, comarba Brígde
(d. 1176)
TT1176.20Sadb, ingen I Chuind, ben I Con Chenaind
(d. 1240)
U2U1240.7Sadbh, ingen I Cheinnedigh, ben Donnchadha Cairprídh Ui Briain
Co1240.5Sadb ingen h. Cennetig ben Dondchada Carbrig h. Briain
MCB2MCB1240.8Sadb inghean Hi Ceinnedidh, bean Donnchadha Cairprigh I Briain
II1240a.2Sadb ingean I Chennedigh, bean Donncaid Cairbrigh
LCLC1240.4Sadhbh, ingen h-I Chinnetigh .i. ben Donnchada Chairprigh h-I Briain
(d. 1253-1254)
II1253.2Sephrid h-Ua Donchadha & Saub ingen I Brian a ben
MCB1MCB1254.1Sefraigh an Tighi O Donnchadha, & Sadhbh ingin I Briain a bean ["Séafraidh an Tighe Ó Donnchadha and Sadhbh daughter of Ó Briain, his wife,"]
(d. 1266)
Co1266.8Sadb ingen Cathail Crobdeirg
CM1266.16Sadb inghean Cathail Croibdeirg
LCLC1266.7Sadhbh, ingen Cathail croibderg
(d. 1294-1298)
U2U1294.3Sadhbh ingen Aeda Buidhe h-Ui Neill, ben Taidhg mic Anrias h-Ui Concobuir
Co1298.3Sadb ingen Aeda h. Neill ben Taidc h. Conchobair .i. meic Andrias
CM1298.2Sadb inghen Aodha Buidhe Uí Neill ben Taidg mic Aindriasa Uí Choncobhair
LCLC1298.3Sadhb ingen Oedha buidhe h-I Neill, ben Taidhg mic Aindriassa h-I Conchobair
(d. 1324-1327)
U2U1324.9Sadhbh ingen Mic Aedhagan
Co1327.9Sadb ingen Meic Aedacan
CM1327.3Sadb inghen Meic Aodhaccáin
LCLC1327.6Sadhbh inghen Mic Aedacan
(d. 1373)
DM1373.8Sadhbh inghen Cathail Uí Choncobhair ben Flaitbertaigh Ui Ruairc
(d. 1381)
DM1381.14Sadhbh inghen Uillic A Búrc ben Uí Choncobair
Clyear 1381 (p. 308)Madame Sawe,1 the daughter of Ullick Burk and o'Connors wife, Died. 1 Sawe. - i.e. Sabh, a very common female name in former times. It is latinized Sabia. [Note: 17th C translation.]
(d. 1387)
Co1387.2Sadb ingen Aeda h. Neill ben Meic Eoin Bised
LC2LC1387.1Sadhbh, inghen Aedha Ui Neill, ben mic Eoin Bised
DM1387.2Sadhb inghen Aodha Uí Néill aon-rogha ban slechta Néil Naoíghiallaigh re na linn bean mic Eóin Bised ["Sabia, daughter of Hugh O'Neill, the choice woman of the descendants of Niall of the Nine Hostages in her time, and wife of John Bisset"]
U3U1387.3Sadbh, ingen Aedha h-Ui Neill, ben mic Eoin Bised
Clyear 1387 (p. 312)Sawe, Daughter of Hugh o'Neale and wife to Eayne mcBissix [Note: 17th C translation.]
(d. 1400)
Co1400.9Sadb ingen Taidc Meic Donnchada
(d. 1410)
Co1410.10Sadb ingen Conchobair h. Briain uxur Uater a Burc
LC2LC1410.9Sadhbh inghean Conchubair .H. Briain, uxor Uater a Burc
DM1410.8Sadhb inghen Conchobhair Uí Briain ben Uater A Búrc
(d. 1411)
Co1411.9Sadb ingen Meic Murchada uxur Meic Gilla Patric
LC2LC1411.8Sadhbh inghean mic Murchadha, uxor Mic Gilla Patruic
(d. 1412)
Co1412.8Sadb ingen Tigernan h. Ruairc uxur Emaind meic Tomas meic Cathail h. Fergail
LC2LC1412.7Sadhbh inghean Tighearnan .H. Ruairc, uxor Emaind mic Tomais mic Cathail .H. Ferghail
DM1412.12Sadhbh inghen Tighearnáin Uí Ruairc ben Emainn mic Tomáis mic Cathail Uí Ferghail
(d. 1439)
U3U1439.8Sadhb, ingen h-Ui Corcrain
(d. 1447)
Co1447.4Sadb ingen Uilliam Meic Branan uxur Mailin h. Mailconaire
(d. 1452)
U3U1452.7Sadhbh, ingen Mhic Gaffraigh, .i. ben Cathail Moir Mic Magnusa
(d. 1468)
OOX1468.3Ingean Mic Uilliam Cloinni Ricairtt .i. Sadhb ingean Uilleag mic Ricaird Oig, bean Meg Carrtaig Móir
LC2LC1468.2Sadhbh ingen Uillic mheic Riocuird Óig
(d. 1484)
DM1484.11a bhen Sadhbh inghean Taidhg Uí Concobhair
(d. 1498)
DM1498.13Sadhbh inghen Airt Uí Néill an bhen baí acc Rémann mac Pilip Meg Uidhir
U3U1498.10Sadhb, ingen Airt h-Ui Neill, d'h-eg in bliadhain-si .i. in ben do bi ag Rémunn, mac Pilib Meg Uidhir
(d. 1542)
LC2LC1540.18ingen Mic Uilliam, .i. Sadhbh a Búrc, ingen Riocaird Óic [The entry notes that she is the wedded wife of "Ruaidhri mac Taidc Mic Diarmada".]
LC2LC1542.1Sadhbh inghen Ricaird Oig mic Uilleg Ruaidh mic Uilleg an Fhina .i. ben pósda Mhic Diarmada .i. Ruaidri mic Taidhg mic Ruaidri Óig mic Ruaidhri Choeich
LC2LC1553.2Sadhbh inghen Riocaird Óig mic Uilleg Ruaidh mic Uilleg an Fhiona
(d. 1579)
LC2LC1579.6Sadhb ingen Tomaiss mic Ricaird Óig a Burc, .i. ben posda Taidhc mic Uilliam h-I Cheallaigh
(d. 1584)
LC2LC1584.13Ingen mic Diarmada .i. Sadbh inghen Eogain, in ben do bi ac O Gadhra .i. Diarmaid mac Eoghain I Gadhra ["The daughter of Mac Diarmada, i.e., Sadhbh, daughter of Eoghan, the wife of O'Gadhra, i.e., Diarmaid, son of Eoghan O'Gadhra"]
(d. 1584)
LC2LC1584.28Sadb ingen Ui Duibgendain, ben Ghillacoluim mic Maol Muire mic Briain Óig

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