by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (Kathleen M. O'Brien)
© 2000-2008 by Kathleen M. O'Brien. All rights reserved.
Version 2.5, updated 26 March 2008
What we know as a set of Irish Annals are manuscripts that were each compiled during a particular time period, usually using older material as sources. For example, when the Annals of the Four Masters were written from 1632 to 1636, they covered events that occurred centuries and millenia before (including legendary history). So, when an entry in this set of annals refers to a person who lived in the year 738, the spelling used for that person's name is very likely not using the spelling that would have been used in 738.
Standard forms of this name (based on spelling systems of different periods) would be:
Middle Irish Gaelic (c900-c1200) form: | Derbáil, Der bFáil |
Early Modern Irish Gaelic (c1200-c1700) form: | Dearbháil |
Number of women found in the annals with this name: | 15 |
Found in Years: | 929, 931, 1009, 1012, 1013, 1088, 1101, 1116, 1167, 1180, 1290, 1294, 1312, 1335, 1336, 1338, 1339, 1340, 1343, 1361, 1364, 1367, 1419 |
Further information about the name Derbáil, may be found in:
The Sources page lists the Annals referenced below. Information about secondary sources is included on that page as well.
In the table below, I have separated individuals with a blank line. That is, when there are multiple entries in the annals that refer to a single person, those entries are grouped together.
Within the list of entries refering to a single person, I have sorted the entries primarily by orthography when it is obvious that what I am seeing is the same entry showing up in multiple annals. The entries that tend to use older spellings are listed first.
NOTE: The Annals referenced below under the code letters A, B, C, E, & F tend to use later spellings than the other Annals. In some cases, the spellings listed in these Annals may not be appropriate for the year referenced in the Annal entry.
In some Gaelic scripts, there is a character that looks approximately like a lowercase f,
but without the crossbar. This character (represented by an underscored
Medieval Scotland | Medieval Names Archive | Index of Names in Irish Annals Kathleen M. O'Brien's articles are hosted by Medieval Scotland, which is published by Sharon L. Krossa (contact). Shopping online? How you can support this site.
Annals Entry Context Citation (formatting preserved) (d. 929-931) U U931.4 Der bFail ingin Mael Finnia m. Flannacain, regina Temrach B M929.13 Derbhail, inghen Maoil Finnia rioghain Teamhra (d. 1009) B M1009.10 Dearbhail, inghen Taidhg, mic Cathail U3 CS1009 Derbail ingen Taidg meic Catail (d. 1012-1013) B M1012.5 Derbhail, inghen Conghalaigh, mic Maoile Mithigh, inghen righ Ereann U3 CS1013 Derbail ingen Congalaigh meic Maoilmithidh ingen righ Erenn (d. 1088) B M1088.11 Derbhail, inghen h-Ui Mailsechnaill (d. 1101) B M1101.10 Dearbhail, inghen Ui Maoileachlainn (d. 1116) U U1116.7 Derbail ingen Toirrdelbaigh H. Briain B M1116.6 Dearbhail inghen Toirrdhelbhaigh h-ui Briain LC LC1116.8 Derbáil, ingen Toirrdhealbaigh h-I Bríain (d. 1167) T T1167.1 Derbail ingen Domnaill h-Úi MailShechlainn B M1167.14 Dearbhail inghen Donnchaidh Uí Maoil Sechlainn (d. 1180) Cl year 1180 (p. 214) Dervaile daughter of o'Melaghlen and wife of Randalphe mcCoghlan, mcCoghlans sonne [Note: 17th C translation.] (d. 1290-1294) U2 U1290.10 Derbail ingen Taidhg mic (Cathail Mic) Diarmata Co 1294.9 Derbail ingen Taidc Meic Diarmata C M1294.4 inghen Taidg mic Cathail Meic Diarmata LC LC1294.8 Derbhail, inghen Taidhg mic Cathail Mic Diarmada (d. 1312) Co 1312.7 Derbail ingen Magnusa h. Conchobair LC LC1312.6 Derbhail, ingen Mhaghnusa h-I Conchobair (d. 1335-1338) U2 U1335.5 Derbhail ingen Cathail Mic Murchaidh, ben Donnchadha mic Aedha Oíg Co 1338.6 Derbail ingen Chathail Meic Murchada ben Dondchada meic Aeda Oic C M1338.8 Derbhail inghen Cathail Meic Murchadha ben Donnchaid meic Aedha Óig LC LC1338.6 Derbail inghen Chathail mic Murchada, ben Dondchaidh mic Aeda oic (d. 1340-1343) U2 U1336.4 Derbail ingen Aedha Ui Domnaill Co 1339.7 Derbail ingen Aedo h. Domnaill C M1339.5 Derbhail inghean Aodha Uí Domhnaill LC LC1339.6 Derbail inghen Aeda .H. Dhomhnaill Cl year 1339 (p. 293) The Daughter of terlaugh o'Bryan late wife to the earle of Ulsters sone was taken to wife by terlaugh o'Conor, & put away his owne wife, the lady Deruaile, Hugh o'Donnells Daughter. [Note: 17th C translation.] U2 U1340.2 Derbail ingen Ui Domnaill Co 1343.4 Derbail ingen Aeda h. Domnaill C M1343.6 Derbháil inghen Aedha Uí Domhnaill LC LC1343.3 Derbhail inghen Aeda .H. Domhnaill (d. 1361-1364) C U1361.5 Derbail ingen in espoic Ui Domnaill, ben Meg Uidhir (idon, Aedha Ruaidh Meg Uidhir) C M1364.2 Derbail ingean Uí Dhomhnaill ben Mhég Uidhir (d. 1364-1367) U2 U1364.10 ben Ui Ruairc Moir [unrelated] idon, Dirbail, ingen Mailruanaigh Moir Mic Diarmata Co 1367.8 Derbail ingen Maelruanaid Moir Meic Diarmata ben Ualgairc h. Ruairc LC2 LC1367.7 Derbhail inghean Mael Ruanaigh Moir Mic Diarmada, ben Ualghairg .H. Ruairc C M1367.5 Dearbháil inghean Maol Ruanaidh Móir Meic Diarmada ben Ualgaircc Uí Ruairc Cl year 1367 (p. 303) The Lady Dervorgill[sic], Daughter of Mulronye More mcDermott, some type prince of Moylog, Died. shee was wife of Ualgarck o'Rork. [Note: 17th C translation.] (d. 1419) Co 1419.34 Derbail ingen ind Oifestel Moir Meic Murcertaig uxur h. Dalaig Mide
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